How to Identify Cockroaches
There are many kinds of cockroaches; the American and German cockroaches are one of the most common pest problems in the OKC area. These cockroaches are often about the size of your thumbnail, have broad, flattened bodies and relatively small heads. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests, and can transmit disease and trigger allergic reactions in humans.

Signs of a Cockroach Infestation
Cockroaches are nocturnal insects. They prefer to live and feed in the dark, so a cockroach seen during the day is a sign of infestation. Cockroaches tend to prefer dark, moist places to hide and breed and can be found behind refrigerators, sinks and stoves, as well as under floor drains and inside of motors and major appliances. Because they can flatten their bodies to fit into narrow areas, cockroaches may also be found hiding beneath rubber mats, behind wallpaper and within wall cracks. This makes it particularly difficult to get rid of cockroaches.
Cockroach feces will be visible during an infestation. Small roaches produce feces, which resemble coffee grounds or black pepper, while larger roaches expel cylindrical droppings. The quantity of visible feces is oftentimes a good indicator of the level of infestation.
Some species emit unpleasant smells called pheromones. In the event of serious infestation, a strong, oily or musty odor may be present. The bodies of dead cockroaches can also be found throughout the house. Oval-shaped egg cases are sometimes visible behind furniture and in other hidden locations, such as the spaces between books.
If you believe that you have identified a cockroach infestation within your home, contact Champion Pest and Lawn immediately for a free zero-obligation inspection and estimate. We kill cockroaches effectively and promptly!

Reasons to Treat Your Cockroach Problem Immediately
In addition to being an all-around nuisance, cockroaches can spread disease and trigger allergic reactions. Their presence can also scare away visitors at your home or clients from your office. Cockroaches are also extremely resilient pests, so the best way to kill cockroaches is to enlist the help of a trained professional. If you believe that you have identified a cockroach infestation within your home or business, contact Champion Pest and Lawn immediately for a free zero-obligation cockroach inspection and estimate.