How Do I Prevent Raccoons From Getting In My Attic

How do I prevent raccoons from getting in my attic?

Raccoons are some of the largest wild animals that commonly invade attics in Oklahoma City, and also some of the most destructive. Not only do raccoons will serious damage in your attic, they may also spread dangerous diseases, and can be quite feisty if they feel threatened. It's best to prevent raccoons from getting into your attic in the first place, rather than removing them once they're dug in. Here's how:

  • Inspect your roof at least twice a year for signs of damage. Raccoons can take advantage of roof damage to enter your attic, and are strong enough that they can even tear through roofing materials to get inside. Repair roof damage immediately to prevent this from happening.
  • Place tight-fitting lids over all outdoor trash cans. Raccoons are infamous dumpster divers and, if they begin to rely on your garbage for food, it's much more likely that they'll break into your attic.
  • Trim off any large tree branches that provide access to your roof. Raccoons are agile climbers that can use these branches to easily reach your roof and then invade your attic.
  • Apply smell, sound or light-based raccoon deterrents to your attic. Raccoons hate the smell of ammonia and hot peppers, and they can also be driven away by bright lights and loud, constant noises in your attic.
  • Schedule raccoon exclusion services with a professional wildlife control company in the Oklahoma City area. Experienced wildlife control technicians will be able to seamlessly raccoon-proof your home to prevent these large and destructive critters from getting into your attic.

Get in touch with Champion Pest & Lawn today if you'd like to schedule raccoon-proofing services for your home in the Oklahoma City metro area!



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