Is professional wildlife control necessary?

Is professional wildlife control necessary?

It's common for wildlife to be found living in close proximity to humans in the Oklahoma City metro area. Many local wildlife species , like raccoons and skunks, have adapted well to the presence of humans, living near our homes and feasting on our garbage at every opportunity. In some cases, wild animals decide to enter houses in search of shelter, often building dens in crawl spaces or nesting in attics. When wildlife issues escalate to this point, you have two options: deal with the problem yourself or call the professionals.

When professional wildlife control is required will depend on both the severity of the issues at hand and your ability to deal with them. A couple of squirrels living in your attic is a problem that may be solved with some baited live traps, whereas a whole family of skunks in the crawl space is probably not something you're equipped to deal with. If you don't have experience dealing with nuisance wildlife, be aware that all wild animals can bite and scratch if they feel threatened, and some may carry dangerous diseases like rabies.

Some animals found in the OKC area may also be more difficult or dangerous to remove than others. Skunks, for example, are very likely to spray if an attempt is made to trap them or drive them away. Meanwhile, bats can be very challenging to remove since they roost in high-up places and can squeeze through incredibly small spaces. Professional wildlife removal technicians have the proper training and equipment to handle situations like these without harming the animals, suffering injury or damaging your property. They can also implement exclusion barriers to make it more difficult for other wildlife to enter your home.

If you've decided to go with professional solutions to your wildlife problems, contact Champion Pest & Lawn today to request wildlife control services in the Oklahoma City area!



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