What is that scurrying noise in my ceiling?

What is that scurrying noise in my ceiling?

It's a very unnerving experience to hear something scurrying about up in your ceiling. You know it means there's something living up there, the question is: what is it? If you live in the Oklahoma City, the following pests are likely to be scurrying around up in your ceiling:

  • Rodents  - Mice and rats are frequent causes of scurrying sounds in ceilings. Rodents are agile climbers that can easily squeeze their way into homes through small openings and find their way up to the ceiling.

  • Squirrels  - Squirrels are known for their incredible agility and climbing ability. They might enter your attic or ceiling spaces in search of shelter or to build nests, creating scurrying sounds as they move about up there.

  • Birds - Sometimes, birds nest in ceilings or attics and they might make noise when they enter and exit through openings in the roof or walls. Nesting birds may also create sounds as they move materials around to build.

  • Bats - While they tend to be less noisy, bats often roost in attics and you might hear them make scurrying noises, possibly alongside flapping sounds. You're most likely to hear bats when they exit your home in the evening and when they return in the early morning hours.

  • To determine what sort of critters are scurrying around in your ceiling, listen closely to the sounds they make. Birds or bats will likely make flapping and chirping or squeaking sounds more frequently than scurrying. Birds are active by day, while bats are active by night. Mice, squirrels, and rats will probably make squeaking noises in addition to scurrying sounds. Squirrels are most active by day, while rats and mice move around the most at night.

    If you're concerned about scurrying noises in your ceiling, get in touch with Champion Pest & Lawn today   to schedule a home inspection in the Oklahoma City area!



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