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July 5, 2021
How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread?
October 25, 2021Bed bugs are pesty little creatures that can come from anywhere and make a home in your mattresses, couches, or your armchair!
They feast on your blood and can have a severe impact on your living space quality if they’re left alone to colonize your home.
Spotting even one of these bugs is a good enough reason to reach out to a bed bug exterminator in OKC, because the sight of one suggests the presence of possibly hundreds more.
Unhygienic environments rarely cause of bed bugs, but they are primarily found in areas of high-population density. They spread by crawling through walls, floors, and ceilings.
You may be wondering how they got into your house.
Well, their tiny stature ensures they go undetected as they hide in used couches and mattresses, in your luggage, or on your clothes.
Identifying a Bed Bug
Get out your magnifying glass and look for bugs with an oval shape and a brownish color. The adult bugs will have a flatter body compared to their younger counterparts, except for when they’re well fed.
Before doing a bed bug extermination, you need to be clear on identifying the baby bugs. They are known as nymphs and shed five times before becoming reproducing adults. They feed on blood before each of their shedding days.
Where to Check
In case of any suspicions that a bed bug infestation is spreading quickly, you must check the following places and keep yourself safe and bed-bug free:
- Remove all the bedding and check the mattresses closely.
- You must also remove the dust cover from your box springs to check all the corners and niches.
- Thoroughly go through all books, and all wooden items.
- Take all the clothes out of your closet and give them a thorough check.
- Electric outlets are also an ideal space for bed bugs to rest and reproduction so make sure to give a complete check of all outlets.
These are only some of the places you should look at, but what signs should you be looking for?
Let’s discuss!
Looking Out For An Infestation
Most people don’t realize they have a bed bug problem until it’s too late, when the bugs have already spread throughout the house. A bed bug bite can feel something close to a mosquito bite, spotting the difference can be challenging. Here are some signs that will tell you that it might be time for a bed bug extermination.
1. Waking up with a Rash
When you notice lesions on your arms, face, legs, neck, or feet that are about 2cm in diameter, you should begin actively looking for a bed bug infestation. These may not appear until a couple of days after you’ve been bit, so take it as a sign that you’re already behind the eight ball. You are likely to develop a rash if the bed bug population has gotten out of control and you’ve been bit too many times in the same area.
2. Rusty or Dark Spots
If you notice any dark spots on your mattresses, sheets, walls, or clothes, then it’s time to call a bed bug exterminator in OKC. These spots are caused by the excrement of the bed bugs that have taken over. You’re going to have to be watchful about these signs. Bed bugs are especially tiny creatures and although the adult population be found in clusters, getting to them is tough.
Don’t hesitate to ask professionals for help. Champion Pest and Lawn has experts who can quickly identify the pest problem you might be dealing with and give you the best possible solutions.
3. Blood Stains
Bed bugs feed on your blood which is why they are also known as a human parasite. They typically feed often, but are able to survive for up to 70 days without feeding on blood. Contact bed bugs control services soon after finding evidence of their presence. Since they bite deep, you’re likely going to see some residue of blood on the bed. Their bites generally affect people depending on their pain tolerance and could sometimes lead to extreme allergic reactions. If you suspect bed bugs are biting you in your sleep, do not hesitate to thoroughly investigate or contact Champion Pest and Lawn.
The best way to go about the identification process is to find the bugs and compare them with the symptoms caused by bed bug bites.
4. Foul Odor
These tiny bugs move like ants and can often be confused with small cockroaches or other insects. When the bed bugs get older and are actively looking to feast upon a host, they get browner and shed their immature exoskeleton. If these pests are crushed, they release an extremely foul odor into the air. It’s a very musty stink released from the bedbugs’ scent glands, and it is repulsive to most. If you begin to smell this horrid stink, you will want to call in experts from a bed bug exterminator in OKC.
Before you decide which pest control company you want to help fix your issue, here are a few things you should keep in mind.
5. Other Bed Bug Residue
Bed bugs are not known to clean up after themselves, so you might find empty eggshells, molt skin, eggs, and their excreta wherever they have been. While experts who regularly carry out bed bug extermination should find them easily, the same might be challenging for regular folks to do. So, in case of any doubts, keep searching, and search closely! These are small pests your dealing with, so small clues can indicate a big problem.
Getting Rid of a Bed Bug Infestation
The process of ridding an area infected with bed bugs can be more cumbersome and longer than you might expect.
Remember how we said they could survive without feeding for about 70 days? That’s why it takes a couple of rounds of pest control treatment to make sure the bed bugs have been eliminated. The last thing you want is to leave any alive, leading to a swift reinfestation.
If you want to begin cleaning out your place without the help of a bed bug exterminator in OKC, take a look at the options that should work:
- Scrub all your mattresses with a stiff brush so that you can remove most of the bed bugs and their eggs. Follow with a vacuum.
- If there are cracks in the plaster and wallpapers are peeling off, then fix those spaces. You need to eliminate all areas where bed bugs might hide.
- The linen, bedding, clothes, and curtains should all be washed with hot water and dried with the highest dryer setting.
- Clean up any clutter and dirt around the bed.
- Be a frequent vacuum user and make sure your bedroom is clean. Make sure to throw away the vacuum cleaner bag immediately after use.
- Any bed bug extermination professional will tell you that an infested mattress should be thrown away. The chances are that removing these bugs would be almost impossible.
Choose Champion Pest & Lawn For Bed Bug Inspections
If you have any questions, call the exterminators! Reach out to our experts and get the best possible solution for your bed bug infestation.
Champion Pest and Lawn is an implementation-focused business that wants its customers to be satisfied at the end of the service. We use the most advanced products, give our employees the best training, and use the perfect method to ensure your infestation problem is under control.
You are in good hands with us, the best bed bug exterminators in OKC!