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October 25, 2021Carpenter Ants: Are They Dangerous For OKC Residents?
Carpenter ants are a widespread local pest control issue that causes problems in homes and buildings all around the country. If not taken care of, an infestation of carpenter ants can be every bit as disruptive as termites. However, unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t feed on timber. Instead, they make their nests out of rotting, hollow logs or wood chips, in which they construct the hollow tubes using tools and natural compost as bedding.
As with most colonies made by termites in Oklahoma City, carpenter ants also form large, multi-layered nests made from mud and pine cones, with a complex interior of soft, colored materials, such as branches, leaf stems, and fur. They prefer specific pieces of wood to create nests, such as young trees or limbs that have grown too heavy for them to climb. The nests they build are usually located high up in the trees where the humidity is higher. The carpenter ants will make several nests that they can access quickly and then move to another tree area to create new nests.
According to our expert Oklahoma city exterminators, carpenter ants are colonial insects, which means they are drawn to a new colony by an existing one. The worker ants are responsible for going out into the open and finding food for the colony. Once the food has been returned to the colony, it is returned to the nest with the discarded food. This cycle is repeated until a large, multi-layered nest of hundreds of thousands of worker ants is formed, known as an ant colony.
During a year, carpenter ants can travel up to thirty miles every day searching for food. When they return, the food is carried back to the nest, stored for future use by the queen. The queen needs to produce a large number of eggs during foraging to have more healthy baby ants. Therefore she has to forage the entire colony in search of food to have enough eggs for producing more larvae.
Carpenter ants show some unique characteristics that set them apart. First, because they are primarily social insects living together in colonies, there is a lot of interaction. This interaction can be helpful for efficient pest control in Oklahoma City, but it also creates an environment where the survival of the fittest is favored. As a result, carpenter ants can cause severe damage to houses and other buildings by making them structurally unfit for habitation.
The carpenter ants are found throughout North America and the eastern parts of the United States. A few known species also live in the southern parts of the USA, including the Black Queen, the Southern Pyrus, and other subterranean species. However, they are not the only wood-destroying insects in the USA, and their infestation can be tough to deal with local pest control.
Are Carpenter Ants Dangerous?
Carpenter ants are an extremely aggressive variety of pests, so you should take steps to make sure you do not have an outbreak. The name originates from their scientific name Camponotus, and they are very social. A worker ant can live up to three years traveling throughout the colony without mating, and a single colony can contain up to ten million ants, so the stakes of an infestation are high. Fortunately, there are some proactive preventative methods of pest control in Oklahoma you can use.
One of the most effective ways to prevent carpenter ants from infesting your property is by regularly checking for holes and cracks in your foundation. You should check for any openings, cracks in the walls, or gaps accessible to the ants and all exterior walls, especially around windows and doors. If you see any signs of the colony, you can use ant bait or other local pest control treatments in the area.
If you find an active carpenter ant infestation, you can do a few things our Oklahoma City exterminators suggest to address the problem. First, you should seal the affected area and apply an insecticide or exterior caulk to seal the moisture. If the damage is extensive, you can also consider using external heat to destroy the colony. Finally, you should block off all access to the nest by securing your doors, windows, and backyards.
Since carpenter ants can be a severe nuisance like the termites in Oklahoma City, you should be careful while looking for their nest. They are often found near water-damaged timber around decks, porches, attics, and crawl spaces. It may be disguised as a piece of wood or drywall with tunnels stemming from it. If you suspect the colony is active, you must take action quickly before it invades even further.
The long-term effect of carpenter ants on buildings can be devastating, so taking swift action is crucial. While choosing local pest control services, you should ensure that you understand the methods available and are comfortable with them.
These insects may be less destructive than other pests, but they can lead to hefty repairs over time. Therefore, you should always choose a reputable company for pest control in Oklahoma City with plenty of experience and a proven track record of excellent customer service.
Get in touch with our expert team of Oklahoma City exterminators to get rid of your carpenter ants problem.
Tips to Protect Your Home From Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are a common pest problem and can often lead to a nasty health crisis. However, these local pest control tips can help protect your home from their wrath and potentially save lives!
First off, you should never put ant chalk anywhere inside your home. It is poisonous and will sicken or kill pets or children that come into contact with it. If you discover any ant chalk around your home, be sure to clean all surfaces thoroughly with soapy water and then place the ant chalk in an area that is dark, quiet, and where there will be no foot traffic.
The next tip is to be on the lookout for signs of an infestation around your windows and doors at night. Carpenter ants are not picky about what food they eat or which route they take to get it! So, if you see ants coming or going through your doors or windows, you should call our Oklahoma City exterminators.
You can also paint all your doors and windows in your home with ant repellent, including glass windows, sliding glass doors, and patio doors. You can also try non-toxic boric acid, a better local pest control option to get rid of them.
Even if you don’t want to paint or use boric acid or other chemicals, you can still prevent carpenter ants from entering your house using natural, safe alternatives. Black pepper is highly effective in repelling insects like ants and termites in Oklahoma City. It also keeps you and your family safe from allergic reactions and toxic chemicals.
Lastly, you should regularly get your home inspected for weak spots by our Oklahoma City exterminators as they are easy to overlook for untrained eyes. If you notice that some areas of your home are potentially vulnerable, you can protect yourself from future attacks by reinforcing these weak spots.
We maintain the gold standard for pest control in Oklahoma City! Call us now!